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Six bids were submitted for the rehabilitation of the Criuleni and Lopatna irrigation systems

Six bids were submitted for the rehabilitation of the Criuleni and Lopatna irrigation systems

The Millennium Challenge Account Moldova opened on February 5, 2013 six bids submitted by companies from France, Portugal, Romania and Austria for the rehabilitation of  the Criuleni and Lopatna systems in the rayon of Orhei with the Millennium Challenge Compact funds.

The financial bids for the rehabilitation of the two irrigation systems range from about 8 to 26 million USD.

Experienced national and international experts will review the bids against criteria like experience in similar works; financial and technical capacity; available equipment and staff.

According to the MCA Moldova requirements, the winning construction company will rehabilitate the central irrigation systems by replacing all damaged pipes, restoring the premises of the pump stations and providing automated equipment, replacing about 85% of pipes, replacing the asbestos-made pipes with modern high-density plastic pipes compliant with the European Union environmental standards.

The construction works are expected to start this spring and last 18 months.
The rehabilitation of the two central irrigation systems will allow for the expansion of the irrigated areas in Lopatna from 50 to 509 ha, and in Criuleni from 120 to about 760 ha. The farmers will be able to use as much irrigation water as they need, when they need it, and due to improved water metering and reduction of water losses they will pay only for the amount of water that they use.

Today there are about 530 land owners in four villages in the Lopatna irrigation system area, 460 of which are members of the Water Users Association (WUA), and 500 farmers in the Criuleni irrigation system area, 300 of which are WUA members.

Note: Rehabilitation of the central irrigation systems is one of the objectives of the Compact signed at the beginning of 2010 by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, acting on behalf of the U.S. Government. The USD 262 million Compact is implemented by the Millennium Challenge Account Moldova and is a grant provided by the generous support of the American people to reduce poverty and contribute to the economic growth in Moldova.


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