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Two large scale projects to be implemented under Romania-Ukraine-Moldova CBC Programme

Two large scale projects to be implemented under Romania-Ukraine-Moldova CBC Programme

The first two large scale projects have ben signed as part of the CBC Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic Moldova 2007-2013.
The IMPEFO Project (Improvement of Cross-Border Cooperation between Moldova and Romania on Petroleum and Food Products) - aims to promote efficient border management through modernising common border points by provision of mobile laboratories and through cooperation between customs services.

The project, with a budget of €3.5 million, will be implemented over two years and is aimed at reducing criminal activity caused by oil and food smuggling across the border between Romania and Moldova.
The SMURD Project aims to improve the response capacity of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication, through a joint integrated system for efficient monitoring and disaster consequences mitigation, in regard to population in the common boundaries of Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.

The project has a budget of €6.7 million out of which 90 % are funds provided by European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument through the Programme. It will be implemented by the Ministries of Internal Affairs from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The Romanian Ministry of Health is also participating in this project, as associate.

Within the project, common exercises will take place in order to improve the skills of staff in managing emergency situations, and the specific legal framework of emergency situations will be analysed in order to develop some joint procedures of notification, monitoring and intervention.
The objective of the Romania-Ukraine-Moldova CBC Programme is to create “bridges” among the three countries involved, in order to help the border areas overcome their similar development challenges, by working together and finding common solutions. The Programme also promotes greater interaction between people and communities living in the border areas. The EC funding stands at €126.7 million for the period 200- 2013.(EU Neighbourhood Info)


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