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Most Moldovans believe EU brings peace and stability

Most Moldovans believe EU brings peace and stability

Most Moldovans feel that the European Union is an important partner, bringing peace and stability in the region. This is one of the key findings of the recently released Autumn 2012 EU Neighbourhood Barometer for Moldova, conducted in the framework of an EU-funded opinion polling project for the Neighbourhood.
The survey, based on 1,006 interviews conducted in November-December 2012, finds that 67% of Moldovans feel the EU is an important partner, with 56% believing the EU and Moldova share sufficient common values to be able to cooperate. Almost two-thirds (61%) feel the EU brings peace and stability in the region.
Just over three quarters of those asked (77%) wanted a greater EU role in economic development, 60% in trade, 60% in human rights, and 52% in democracy.
More than half of those asked (55%) saw the EU in a positive light, compared to just 12% for whom it conjured up a negative image. Indeed, the poll found that 61% of Moldovans trusted the EU – more than other international institutions like the UN and NATO, and significantly more than they trust their own government (41%), Parliament (35%) or political parties (21%).
Sixty-two per cent of respondents felt the EU had good relations with Moldova, while just18% felt they were bad.
Moldovans questioned in the poll were generally pessimistic about their lives, with 56% dissatisfied with the life they lead, though degree of satisfaction rose the younger and more educated respondents were.
Respondents were also critical regarding the direction in which the country was going: 43% of all those asked felt Moldova was going in the wrong direction, with 79% saying the economic situation was bad, and 52% afraid the worst was still to come in terms of the impact of the crisis on jobs. Sixty-one per cent of those asked were not satisfied with the way democracy works in Moldova.
Fifty-eight per cent of those asked agreed enough information was available about the EU, while the majority (52%) agreed it was easy to understand (against 33% who disagreed).
Factsheets summarising the findings of the EU Neighbourhood Barometers were published to coincide with the release last month of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) package of 2012 progress reports of countries covered by the ENP.
The EU Neighbourhood Barometer (opinion polling and media monitoring) is part of the EU-funded Regional Communication Programme, and aims at assessing knowledge and perception of the EU Neighbourhood Policy and its cooperation activities and programmes.
An infographic produced for the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre highlights some of the key findings across the ENPI East region. (EU Neighbourhood Info)


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