During a visit to Moldova from 26 to 28 June 2013, Knut Vollebaek, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, welcomed efforts to find solutions for the Latin script schools in Transdniestria.
After a meeting of the Working Group on Education under the 5+2 process, that works on finding a compromise on the issue of the functioning of the Latin script schools in Transdniestria, Vollebaek said: “Child’s right to education should not be politicized. I therefore welcome the willingness of both sides to continue their dialogue within the Working Group to find solutions for the future of these schools. I am encouraged by the fact that I saw a frank and practical discussion on this issue in the Working Group, and I call upon the sides to keep up the momentum.”
The High Commissioner has long been engaged with the Latin-script schools in Transdniestria, which are administered by the Moldovan authorities but face difficulties in their relations with Tiraspol. The High Commissioner, together with the OSCE Mission to Moldova, recently launched a joint report (http://www.osce.org/moldova/99058) with recommendations to both sides to facilitate the operation of the schools pending a settlement of the conflict.
During his stay in Moldova, the High Commissioner also met members of the Parliamentary Committees on Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and Mass Media, and Human Rights and Inter-Ethnic Relations to discuss the integration of Moldovan society. He told the parliamentarians that integration policies are needed to promote stability and cohesion in Moldova. "Both Parliament and Government should make this issue a priority to overcome some of the structural divisions in Moldovan society,” Vollebaek said.
The High Commissioner also met Prime Minister Iurie Leanca, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Natalia Gherman, and the Education Minister, Maia Sandu.
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29.06.2013On visit to Moldova, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities welcomes dialogue on Latin script schools in Transdniestria

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