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Corlatean meets head of diplomacy in Chisinau, re-iterating Romania's support for Moldova on its EU accession road

Corlatean meets head of diplomacy in Chisinau, re-iterating Romania's support for Moldova on its EU accession road

The Romanian head of diplomacy Titus Corlatean, on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Eastern Partnership of EU, had a meeting in Brussels with his Moldovan counterpart, Natalia Gherman, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in the Republic of Moldova, occasion on which he re-iterated Romania's constant and firm support for Moldova on its road to EU accession, MAE said in a release to Agerpres.

On this occasion, Corlatean hailed 'the sustained efforts of authorities in Chisinau, materialized in the recent conclusion of negotiations on the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement - DCFTA', showed the abovementioned source.

Moreover, he highlighted the progress made in the dialogue regarding the implementation of the Action Plan for the liberalisation of visas, while the Republic of Moldova is currently the most advanced partner of the EU in the Eastern neighbouring when it comes to this matter.

'In this context, Minister Corlatean assured that Romania will continue to support the obtaining of such ambitious results by Moldova on the occasion of the upcoming Summit of the Eastern Partnership to be held in Vilnius (November 28-29, 2013), while referring mainly to the signing of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the EU, to be made possible in 2014, alongside with its implementation and with the liberalisation of the visas. In this context, Romania advocates for all conditions to be ensured for enabling the completion in the near future of all the necessary steps for achieving these objectives', showed MAE.

Moreover, the head of the Romanian diplomacy highlighted the importance of an ambitious Declaration of the high level meeting in Vilnius for the future consolidation of the relations between Moldova and the European Union, with a view to obtaining a clearer European perspective.

The head of the two diplomatic offices also evoked the high level bilateral contacts in the latest interval and reviewed the topics of current interest on the bilateral agenda.

President Traian Basescu on July 17 paid a visit to Chisinau, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Iurie Leanca, paid a visit to Bucharest on July 9. Agerpres


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