Romanian President Traian Basescu has said that, as things look now, the summit meeting due in Vilnius later this month will be a failure for the European Union, but a success for Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
'Please forgive me for such an approach, but this is the reality', Basescu told Radio Romania Actualitati (News) public station.
He added that the fact Ukraine misses signing the Association and Free Trade Agreement at the Vilnius Summit marks an important success for the Republic of Moldova.
According to the Romanian leader, the Vilnius result is important in that the Republic of Moldova's tendency to get closer to the EU is for the first time officially marked.
'But I would like us to be extremely realistic, Vilnius (Summit) is not a guarantee for the Republic of Moldova's EU entry, Vilnius is a step, because the EU itself does not see the initialing of the two Accords by the Republic of Moldova as being an invitation to join, but merely a chance to join and nobody is making a pledge at this moment. /.../ Therefore, it is a prospect, not a European commitment, in the same way that probably it is not a final option of the Republic of Moldova', he underscored.
Basescu commended the position taken by former Ukrainian Premier Yulia Timoshenko with respect to the Vilnius Summit, of whom he said was much wiser than the Europeans' stand.
'Yulia Timoshenko has proved wiser than the Europeans' position, as she said today: ?I prefer to stay here...'. Therefore, she told the Europeans: ?You have made a cause out of me that strikes the very interests of my country. I remain in prison, so Ukraine should sign. Therefore, I no longer need your support to be taken out of prison'. You might think what I say is pretty tough, but it is a reality', the president said. Agerpres
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25.11.2013Vilnius Summit - failure for EU, success for Romania, Republic of Moldova (President Basescu)

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