Moldova's priority development projects, European integration agenda and bilateral cooperation relations were the main topics Romania's Prime Minister discussed with Chairman of Moldova's Parliament Igor Corman on Friday, as part of Ponta's visit to Moldova.
Ponta mentioned Moldova's projects the Romanian Government will support. They are mainly in the areas of education, infrastructure and energy security, Moldova's Parliament reports in a press release.
Ponta is quoted as saying documents are ready for the Iasi and Galati SMURD Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication Iasi and Galati branches to step in to solve emergencies in Moldova. He also said works in Moldova on the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline are planned to be finalised by the end of the year.
The Romanian Government is also ready to provide expertise to Moldova in accessing European funds and provide information about what EU integration has meant to Romania. 'Support statements are important, but the Romanian Government will come up with concrete things that people will feel,' Ponta pointed out.
Moldova is awaiting a decision of the European institutions on the liberalisation of visas for Moldovan nationals and it is ready to sign an association agreement and a deep and comprehensive trade agreement with the European Union as soon as possible, Corman is quoted as saying.
He also said that in the period immediately ahead representatives of the ruling coalition will carry out a public information campaign about the advantages of Moldova's European integration. 'There is firmness inside the ruling coalition about carrying through the mandate and getting concrete results in the case of Moldova's European integration,' said Corman.
He also mentioned that issues on the Moldovan-Romanian parliamentary agenda will also be discussed during an official visit Speaker of Romania's Chamber of Deputies Valeriu Zgonea is scheduled to pay to Moldova April 12-14. Agerpres
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21.02.2014PM Ponta: Romania's Gov't to provide concrete support to Moldova

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