Investment conferences in Moldova and Georgia will be held on the occasion of the visits of European Commission President José Manuel Barroso to those countries on 12 and 13 June 2014 respectively. The European Union has confirmed its objective to further strengthen the political association and economic integration with both countries, and aims to sign the Association Agreements including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas (AA/DCFTAs) no later than June 2014.
The conferences will focus on business activity and investment in Moldova and Georgia, because experience in other countries in Europe shows that that's where the new agreements will bring the biggest long-term economic benefits.
One of the main benefits of the conferences to investors in Moldova and Georgia will be its discussion of what the AA/DCFTAs will mean in practical terms for their businesses. The conferences will also provide opportunities for businesses to showcase themselves and to promote their products and services. International financial institutions and business support organisations will also provide participants with information about their activities in Moldova and Georgia.
Each conference will have an interactive format. The detailed programmes for the conferences will be published on this website in May.
As the AA/DCFTAs will benefit investors from all countries who are doing business in Moldova and Georgia, we encourage participation in the conferences from across the international community. Participation at the conferences will be by invitation only.
If you are interested in being invited to either of the conferences, please send your contact details to European External Action Service's ENP Division no later than 30 May specifying which of them you would like to attend. The e-mail address for doing so and for other information about the conferences is: [email protected]
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14.04.2014Investment conferences in Moldova and Georgia in 12-13 June 2014

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