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The first irrigation system rehabilitated with Compact funds was launched in Criuleni

The first irrigation system rehabilitated with Compact funds was launched in Criuleni

The first irrigation system rehabilitated with the U.S. Government’s Compact funds was launched in Criuleni today. About 4.7 million USD were invested to rehabilitate the Criuleni irrigation system and make it supply water to 778 hectares of land.

In today’s inauguration event Prime Minister Leanca and U.S. Ambassador Moser were accompanied by the representatives of the Millennium Challenge Account Moldova, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Government members and agricultural producers.

”This event is important for the entire country, not just for the farmers in the Criuleni rayon. This is the first system that has been rehabilitated since Moldova gained independence”, Valentina Badrajan, executive director of the Millennium Challenge Account Moldova, said.

U.S. Ambassador stressed that one of the reasons why the American people support Moldova is the confidence in the people who work hard and are able to cope with challenges. Mr. Moser urged the members of the Water Users’ Association from Criuleni to think of what to plant on the irrigated areas to be competitive on the external markets.
”I am grateful to the American people. Due to the U.S. support we have a modern irrigation system in Criuleni. I urge the agricultural producers to make a commitment to export quality products on the U.S. market in 2-3 years”, Prime Minister Leancă added.
The Criuleni irrigation system was built in the 80s of the last century and has never been rehabilitated ever since. Before being rehabilitated it was only partially operational. About 900 individuals own farmland in its area and about 400 of them are members of the Water Users’ Association Criuleni.

The rehabilitation works included replacement of all the damaged pumps, renovation of the premises of the pump stations and their fitting out with automated equipment and replacement of all the old asbestos pipes with modern pipes made of high density polyethylene meeting the EU environmental requirements that will serve more than 50 years.

”I rejoice at today’s event. Water is critical for agriculture. We cannot be competitive without irrigation. I would like to thank the American people for giving the Moldovan farmers the opportunity to make their dreams come true”, minister of agriculture Bumacov said.

The Moldovan farmers also highly appreciate this opportunity and are hopeful that the irrigated area will be expanded.

The rehabilitated and upgraded irrigation system will allow farmers to use water for irrigation when they will need it and pay for the amount of water they use due to maximum reduction of leakage and installation of water meters. On the other hand, the availability of water for irrigation will encourage farmers to grow high value agricultural products, therefore leading to higher and better harvest.

The rehabilitated system provides technical possibilities to expand the irrigated area with additional 500 hectares with private funds.

The rehabilitation of the central irrigation systems is one of the objectives of the Compact agreement signed in early 2010 by the Government of Moldova and the Millennium Challenge Corporation on behalf of the U.S. Government. The USD 262 mil. Compact is implemented by the Millennium Challenge Account Moldova and was provided due to the generous support of the American people for poverty reduction and economic growth in Moldova. MCA Moldova signed contracts for the rehabilitation of 10 irrigation systems amounting to about 80 million USD. The next irrigation system to be put into operation in November is the Lopatna system. The rehabilitation works are underway at other 4 irrigation systems on the Nistru River (Jora de Jos, Puhaceni, Roscani and Cosnita) and other 4 irrigation systems on the Prut River (Blindesti, Grozesti, Leova and Chircani-Zirnesti). They will be put into operation in the first half of 2015.


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