Today, November 28, the Electronic Governance Center (EGC), in partnership with the Center for Special Telecommunications (CST), launched the informational resource is meant to be a presentation interface for MCloud, a successfully implemented by the Government joint technological platform.
Therefore, the workshop “MCloud Joint Governmental Platform: Current status and immediate priorities” marked the official launch of the informational resource and was focused on issues of major importance such as the cloud technology impact on the public services’ quality and safety as well as on the institutions’ informational structure organization.
Special attention was paid to the Mcloud Platform legal, technological and institutional components as well as to its multi-level security architecture and MCloud Development Draft Concept for 2015 – 2020.
A number of practical issues regarding the new information resource were also discussed. Thus, Iurie Turcanu, Chief Technological Coordinator at EGC and Veaceslav Puscașu, MCloud Operations and Security Manager, together with some CST representatives, responsible for Mcloud Platform management, presented the functionalities offered within the portal, the self-service using procedures, the help-desk system but also the MCloud distance learning pilot platform. In 2015, , the Electronic Governance Center and the Center for Special Telecommunications will organize training sessions for the public and private sectors on the use of the Platform.
The Cloud technology provides the solution for the reorganization of an institution's informational structure. By using the Cloud technology, several institutions use common applications which are stored into a single data center, through simple internet connection. Therefore, there is no need for a technical team to make servers operate.