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Iohannis: Moldova's and Ukraine's European path, one of main foreign policy concerns

Iohannis: Moldova's and Ukraine's European path, one of main foreign policy concerns

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday said that the European path of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine represents one of the main foreign policy concerns for Romania, adding that Bucharest will continue to 'firmly' support the efforts in this respect of these two states and of Georgia.

'The events in Ukraine cast a shadow of sad remembrance of the Cold War on 2014. Romania condemns the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and will continue to contribute to the materialisation of its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. The European path of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine remains one of the main concerns of foreign policy for Romania. The reason is not just that of the well-known historic connections, but also Romania's proximity to the conflict areas and to these states where the Russian Federation acts illegally,' Iohannis said at the annual meeting with the heads of the diplomatic missions accredited in Romania.

In what regards the Republic of Moldova, the head of state said that the parliamentary elections of November 30, 2014, reconfirmed the people's support for the pro-European political option.

'In spite of the difficult regional situation, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova bravely voiced their conviction that this is the path guaranteeing them prosperity inside a society with sustainable democratic institutions. We are determined to support, as we have done so far, the implementing in the Republic of Moldova of the difficult domestic reforms in view to getting closer to the European Union. A stable government with a pro-European unitary vision is to be preferred to any other compromise solution. We hope that the leaders of Chisinau understand the mission bestowed upon them by the Moldovan citizens and direct their efforts solely to the direction of strengthening democracy,' Klaus Iohannis maintained.

He explained that a 'stable and secure' vicinity is a priority to Romania and appreciated the Eastern Partnership as being a relevant instrument in establishing relations with the partners in the vicinity, mainly in the current regional security context.

'In the preparation of the Summit of Riga, to take place in May, we find necessary a process of updating and adaptation of the Eastern Partnership meant to ensure the achievement of some ambitious objectives. It is essential to consecrate a clear European prospect for the most performing partners of the Eastern Partnership, who have political will and fulfil the necessary conditionalities through the thorough implementing of the differentiation and more for more principles. The Summit of Riga is a good occasion to send such message,' the President showed.

He said that Romania will continue to firmly support the cooperation with the other states in the Eastern Partnership, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus. AGERPRES


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