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U.S. Army Europe Commanding General Visits Moldova

 U.S. Army Europe Commanding General Visits Moldova

Lieutenant General Frederick ‘Ben’ Hodges, Commander of U.S. Army Europe, and Major General Gregory Lusk, Adjutant General of the North Carolina National Guard, visited Moldova  December 2nd to strengthen the military-to-military partnership between the U.S. and Moldova. 

Lieutenant General Hodges and Major General Lusk met with Moldovan military leaders, including Chief of Defense Brigadier General Igor Gorgan, to discuss future training opportunities between Moldova’s National Army, U.S. Army Europe, and North Carolina’s Army National Guard.  During the visit the two sides agreed to maintaining the strong partnership and ‎building upon the 24 significant joint military engagements planned for 2016. 

LTG Hodges commented, "US-Moldovan Bilateral Defense relationship is the best it has ever been. We look forward to finding new and innovative ways to further assist Moldova to reach its security objectives."


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