On 20 April 2016, Foreign Investors Association (FIA)’s members held their annual General Assembly. The meeting approved the Association’s action plan for the next year and set its mid-term and long-term priorities.
FIA members also welcomed Mr. Julien DUCARROZ, Liudmila CLIMOC’s successor, as the CEO of Orange Moldova, starting with 1st of May, 2016.
The FIA’s members wished Ms. CLIMOC every success in her new endeavours and new position as the CEO of Orange Romania.
The General Assembly also elected FIA’s new Board of Directors, three of its members had their mandate renewed: Mr. Ridha TEKAIA, CEO of BC “Mobiasbancă-Groupe Societe Generale” SA, Mr. Alexander KOSS, Speaker of the Management Board of Südzucker Moldova SA and Mr. Kadir Kale, Financial Director of Moldcell SA.
The Board’s three new members are: Mr. Julien DUCARROZ, the future CEO of Orange Moldova SA, Ms Olga SCHIOPU, General Manager of Medpark International Hospital and Mr. Igor CORMAN, General Manager of SE Bordnetze SRL.
Mr. Alexander KOSS was elected as Vice-president of the Association and Mr. Ridha TEKAIA, for the fourth consecutive year, as FIA’s President.
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22.04.2016FIA elected its new Board of Directors

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